Soprema Contractor Accreditation



The SPF (Spray Polyurethane Foam) Contractor Accreditation is a third-party accreditation program administered by BPQI (Building Professionals Quality Institute) to satisfy the regulatory requirements in the SPF industry. The accreditation also provides assurance to stakeholders in the construction industry that the company that they are dealing with, meets all the requirements for providing proper installation and that the company uses installers are properly trained, knowledgeable and skilled to complete their work. BPQI monitors the contractors to ensure that they properly install SPF in accordance with the installation standards for SPF standards referenced in the National Building Code.

The process to obtain the company accreditation status involves the submission of the Accredited Contractor Application Form, along with supporting documentation listed below as well as employing a certified MD SPF installer. Accreditation is valid for one year and maintenance of this accreditation involves annual renewal.

To become accredited with the BPQI as an SPF Contractor the following is required:



  1. Complete and submit F-090-010 SPF Contractor Accreditation Form (EN | FR)
  2. Pay Contractor Accreditation fee $500
  3. Provide evidence of workers compensation
  4. Provide evidence of Commercial General Liability Insurance of a minimum $2,000,000
  5. Provide GST number
  6. Employ a minimum of one certified installer with the Soprema program

At this point, BPQI will issue an accredited contractor certificate with an annual expiry date of April 30th.



Step 1:

  1. Complete and submit F-090-010 SPF Contractor Accreditation Form (EN | FR)
  2. Pay Contractor Accreditation fee $500
  3. Provide evidence of workers compensation
  4. Provide evidence of Commercial General Liability Insurance of a minimum $2,000,000
  5. Provide evidence of GST remittance
  6. Employ an installer with verification they are certified with another program

At this point, BPQI will issue an accredited contractor certificate with a six-month expiry date; based on the completion that the contractor has an employee issued a 6-month certified installer ID card. The installer must successfully take the written exam and the practical exam within this time period.  Failure to complete the exams successfully within this time period, will result in the installer having to apply again as a new installer and all fees shall apply and the contractor will no longer have a valid contractor accreditation with this program.


Step 2:

  1. Employ a certified installer with a Soprema who has an annual expiration date of April 30th
    (This is achieved by the installer successfully passing the written examination and the practical evaluation).

At this point, BPQI will issue an accredited contractor certificate with an annual expiry date of April 30th.